Approved Institutions

Bureau Institution Search

Welcome to BPPE's Schools Search Site. This dynamic, interactive section of our Web site will allow you to find specific information about all Bureau-approved* schools. The results will include the school's name, the approved programs, the physical address, and mailing address for each main and branch location for each institution that fits your search criteria. Below, there are four different search methods to make your school research efforts quick, efficient and thorough. Please explore all methods to find which one is best for you. Should you have difficulty with this search page, please contact the BPPE by e-mail at (Schools may also use the above e-mail address to report discrepancies with their respective institution's information.)

The information reflected on BPPE's web pages is current as of the effective date reflected on each search results page. Use this only as a guide. To confirm a school's approval status, call (916) 574-8900.

* "Approval" or "approval to operate" means that the Bureau has determined and certified that an institution meets minimum standards established by the Bureau for integrity, financial stability, and educational quality, including the offering of bona fide instruction by qualified faculty and the appropriate assessment of students' achievement prior to, during, and at the end of its program.

You know the school is called "Academy of", but you do not know the rest. School Name:   academy

School Name:

Search for truck driving schools in Fresno. Program Keyword:   truck

Search for a BA in Psychology. Program Keyword:   psychology

Program Keyword:

City: (optional)

County: (optional)